All About You: Male Teacher Gift Questionnaire
How to Write a Room Mom Letter to Parents
This aspect of room parenting was a complete mystery to me at first. Who am I kidding? In reality, every aspect of room parenting was a complete mystery to me. The first two years my daughter was in school, I had no idea who the room mom was, much less anything that was going on with the class. I didn't even know parents were allowed to attend holiday parties. There was a major ... Read More about How to Write a Room Mom Letter to Parents
My Favorite Custom Teacher Stamps on Etsy (and Why I’m Mad About Them)
How to Update Parent Emails (Editable Form)
The most important element of a successful year as Room Mom is going to be your parent email list. It makes room parenting so incredibly easy. You will use this list to: So you have your list, and you're sending out your emails to parents, but you only get a couple responses. Or worse, you get zero responses. What’s going on here? Why is no one responding to my emails?!? HELP. Well ... Read More about How to Update Parent Emails (Editable Form)